Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate Jenni's last weekend as a single girl.

We kept it simple for our Jenni's Bach Party and had a night in. (This way we don't have to worry about getting kicked out of any bars for fighting. . . I am not kidding!) The theme for the night was "Naughty & Nice". The idea was to bring a gift for Jenni that was either Naughty or Nice. Naughty wrapped in Black and Nice wrapped in Pink. No name tags and no telling anyone what you brought. This allowed everyone to go as WILD or MILD as they would like. But don't worry the craziest it got was a Bondage starter set. LOL! Gee. . . I wonder who is gonna get tied up? Run Roger, Run! We had Lisa Dimas from "Girls Only" come over and show us what is new in the adult toy market. We bought Jenni what was on her "OOOh" list and even a little something for ourselves. She even got some free gifts on top of her % off. She made out like a bandita. LOL! We snacked on hand dipped chocolate covered strawberries, fruit cabobs and brownies and had a blast with the Boob cupcakes and Pecker sugar cookies. Sipped on Champagne and had Sex on the Beach & Fuzzy Screws. (I think my new favorite drink!) Remember the Theme? Get it?
Overall it was a good night. Did I mention the "Stripper Pole"? Yea, we took a few spins on it for a good time. Much harder than you think! But don't worry, this pole stays at home. Although if anyone wants to borrow it for a party let me know.