Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a Stoll in the Park

Today I decided to get Shelby up and out of the house this morning. We are used to staying inside to play unless we are swimming or running errands. We went to the park next to our house and I followed her up and down and all around. She climbed the stairs, went down the slides, and ran everywhere! Our park is nice because one of the large equipment sets has the shade cover over it. It helps the metal and plastic from getting so hot you don't burn your bum. She had a great time. When the weather gets nicer we will be able to go more often. It is great exercise for the both of us.
So this week Shelby and I have been lucky enough to watch the Men's and Women's USA Volleyball teams make it to the metal games. It is not very often you can turn on the TV and watch court volleyball. I was so excited when Shelby grabbed her drink and sat down in her bounce chair to watch the games. It was amazing! I could see her eyes following the ball and the players. It was so nice not to have to chase her tiny butt around the house and try and listen for the score. I am such a proud mama. She is going to be my next Logan Tom. Which coincidentally; I did want to name her after. She was supposed to be a Logan, until we picked Shelby.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just finishing up the summer on a good note

The last few weeks have been great! Winding down from all the traveling we have done over the last few months. We were lucky enough to hit up two parties over the last two weekends though. Both were a lot of fun and let us enjoy the rest of the summer. For all of those tuning in from Michigan it is still at least 105' here in good 'ol Phoenix.

Kim and Andy invited us over for a really fun swim party to celebrate Kim's birthday. Shelby was having a blast with the pool stairs! She could run the whole width of the pool and go talk to people. We got to meet some of Kim's college friends and drink some beer. Not a bad combo. Everyone was really nice. We also got some exciting news yesterday! Andy purposed to Kim in Lake Tahoe this weekend. Congratulations! We are very happy that Andy has found someone that matches his personality so well.

The second party was Jenni's open house for her new condo. She had a great turn out and we had a very good time. Of course her mom made the infamous potato salad and Roger made an AWESOME Sangria. Things are getting underway for their wedding in Vegas on Oct 11th. We just booked our rooms at The Tuscany, which happens to be where they are getting married. I am excited because I heard the rooms are really nice. I am keeping up on my weight so I can continue to fit in my dress. Once again- SIZE 6 people!!! I am going to be busy over the next two months planning/organizing her batchlorette party and maybe even her wedding shower. I need to ask her or her mother. LOL! Jenni took all the pics so I will have to get some from her. I know there are some really cute ones.

So after reading my sister's blog; the word is out! I am going to have another nephew or maybe even a niece. I am so excited!!! The only thing that would make it better is if they would move up to Phoenix. But I doubt that is going to happen. They are only an hour and a half away. And besides, I need to make more of an effort to go down and visit them. We have just been so busy there is no way it was going to happen. I just re-organized all of Shelby's cloths just in case, wink*wink, someone has a girl. But she will have to fight for them because I have two other friends shooting for babies in the spring. But there is definitely enough cloths for everyone to share.

Now I would like to set the record straight for everyone who is keeping track of the Snider, Potts baby cycle. Yes I am next and if the cycle stays true I should get pregnant with #2 sometime in the next two-three months. I have been getting this ? a lot lately and here is your answer. We are NOT trying or really ready for another baby. I am not saying that we do not WANT another baby; just that we do not want another one so soon. If anything changes I will let you know. LOL!